Friday, July 11, 2008

Production Strategy

1. After reflecting on your experiences on Drift 1, and after generating your Ten Questions, specify a promising place in your Drift area you plan to explore in more depth for Drift 2. This area may or may not start from the same point you used in Drift 1, but the area explored must be different than the area you explored in Drift 1. Make sure the location is precisely identified on your Drift 2 Drift Map. Explain why this site (or series of sites) seems promising.
I chose Virmond Park for the variety of scenery. I also wanted videos and stills from 2 other locations so I chose some train tracks and a mansion by the lake which is close to downtown.
2. Describe a new Drift Strategy (different than the one you used in Drift 1) that will help you navigate your Drift 2 area in new and unexpected ways.
I wanted to go somewhere on drift2 that would be new and take longer to explore. I also decided to shoot some video of a big house by Lake Michigan.I had no plan other than to go to the park and wander around and take my time.
3. Describe how you will limit your image-capturing activities in order to generate enough quality material with which to work.
I decided to try and keep my videos short. Around 30-40 seconds. I planned in advance to cut back and forth between the panoramic video or videos, and stills.

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