Thursday, July 10, 2008

10 Questions

1) Is there anything original I can do with the sounds I record without taking anything away from the video and stills?
2) Is there a way to tie in the different locations I've chosen using all the gathered material I have?
3) If I'm not really happy with my materials should I go back or just make due?
4) How much is too much as far as processing of my materials?
5) How much time should I devote to stills-videos and audio respectively?
6) Should I be thinking in terms of very fast moving images or going at a slower pace for my final video?
7) Should I be looking for some connection between drift1 and drift2, as in a common theme?
8) If I have to make creative decisions on the spot should I try to be conservative?
9) Should I try to have an overall theme to the final video?
10) How can I make my recorded audio sound fairly natural?

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