Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Drift Assessment #4

4. Describe your favorite experience, situation, place, or recollection from your Drift. Be specific about what happened, how you felt, how you reacted, and why you think this particular experience affected you so much.
This one is easy. The last time I went to the park there were a couple people there and I saw they had a Didgeridoo. It's strange because I remember my instructor saying something about it just a few days before. As soon as I saw it I told myself NOT to ask them to record it. The situation was simply too perfect. They were hanging around right at the edge of a bluff so there was very little ambient sounds except for the lake down below. I did ask him to play it just for a few seconds and he sounded very good. He was very proud of the instrument and he had just bought it in Australia. It was signed by the maker and it was very nice looking.
I didn't feel right asking to record him even though I thought it would make my video much better.

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